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    Arai helmets

    the 900
    the 900

    Posts : 896

    Arai helmets Empty Arai helmets

    Post by muttley1 Sun 14 Jun 2015, 11:16 pm

    my Arai quantum f is getting on now so def time to replace it. There now seems a fair bit of choice in the Arai range and the Quantum j seems the direct replacement. However they do a helmet called Rebel, a lid that designed for unfaired bikes. Anyone had good or bad experiences with the current range?

    My take of quality/price goes axcess, chaser, rebel, quantum, quantum st, rx7 gp


    the 900
    the 900

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    Arai helmets Empty Re: Arai helmets

    Post by wornsprokets Mon 15 Jun 2015, 12:32 am

    Yes i too use to have a quantum f ,about 10 yrs ago i could not get on with it i taught it was very noisy even with ear plugs! I gave it to my cousin. I had a shoei xr 800 before that  it was a great helmet and quiet.  and it suited me better than arai  but not as quality feel or finish  as arai but saying that it did me well in an accident it took major impact to chin and mouth area as i slid face first into road  for about 20ft so i am told  Sad (long time ago now)  ive been looking at arai axcess or shoei nxr. Just wouldnt spend major money on helmet now arai s too expensive  , saying that axcess is reasonable priced
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    Arai helmets Empty Re: Arai helmets

    Post by Stu9 Tue 16 Jun 2015, 9:28 am

    As WS said...they're murder for noise, Ive got a 3 yr old quantum v and sure it's buggered my right ear drum with wind noise and because I don't like ear plugs doesn't help at all.

    I'll never buy another Arai, if I do get another (helmet) it'll be schuberth a c3 or something

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