CB500 Club forum
You don’t stop riding because you’re getting old, but you get old when you stop riding.

4 posters

    silver cb5

    the 900
    the 900

    Posts : 2406
    Location : preston lancs

    silver cb5 Empty silver cb5

    Post by skyrider Sun 31 Jan 2016, 7:19 pm

    silver cb5 for sale at woodburn green, 0ne previous owner, 99model 15,200 miles, £1,750 on fleabay now
    the 900
    the 900

    Posts : 2969
    Location : Bedale, North Yorkshire

    silver cb5 Empty Re: silver cb5

    Post by Jameshambleton Sun 31 Jan 2016, 8:05 pm

    I'm not too sure about the 1 owner part as it says "has only had one family owned from new"in the description "family owned" not 1 owner. Still looks like a clean bike but not for that price!
    the 900
    the 900

    Posts : 2406
    Location : preston lancs

    silver cb5 Empty Re: silver cb5

    Post by skyrider Sun 31 Jan 2016, 8:10 pm

    I think its a bit steep

    Posts : 11

    silver cb5 Empty Re: silver cb5

    Post by ironman Tue 02 Feb 2016, 11:41 pm

    Just a question really. How much would be a fair price for this bike cos i havent seen that many for much less
    the 900
    the 900

    Posts : 4199
    Location : 'ere be fens. (near Cambridge)

    silver cb5 Empty Re: silver cb5

    Post by eternally_troubled Wed 03 Feb 2016, 1:49 pm

    I guess we're all talking about this:


    I'm not sure I can really say what it's worth (I don't buy and sell the things), but if I was going to try and buy it I'd go in with a low offer... I reckon it's got to be more like 1500 quid max (that's waaaaay more than I'd start at if I was haggling).

    Plus for that kind of money it needs to be pretty clean, which you can only really tell with close inspection.

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    silver cb5 Empty Re: silver cb5

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